Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Peanut Butter

Today is my 39th day in Peru..but who's counting?! Since it has been over a month, things here are beginning to become normal and "everyday" life sort of things. For example, the danger I encounter when crossing the streets is no longer weird for me! I have learned to just do as the Peruvians do...find a small little gap, and saunter  across the street like you own the place. When I come back to Nebraska actually waiting for a light to change, and using a crosswalk will be soo strange! I have also formed some sort of structure to my days. Mondays I head to campus around 11 am to practice grammar with Kathy and I stay there for lunch and class. Tuesdays I help teach in an English class from 10am-12pm so I then eat lunch and stay on campus till after class. On Wednesday's and Thursday's my mornings are free and I go to class from 3pm-6pm. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are "free" all day but we usually fill them to the brim with exciting activities!

This past Friday some friends of mine and I went swimming, played tennis, and of course ate some Pizza Hut. (Where else would we choose when American food is an option??) Saturday we went to the Indian Market in the morning and bought some traditional gifts for our families. It was so much fun because there you can barter and see how low you can get the price. At first, we were all shy but soon we were owning it! Sunday, I hung out at home, did some homework, and went to the mall and movies with Fabricio and his girlfriend. The movie was in English with Spanish subtitles so it was quite nifty for me! How strange though! If I was watching a movie at the theater in the US I would not want to pay to read! I would want them to dub that thing with English! 

At the Indian Market
Derek, Laura, Mary, and I

Yesterday, was my friend Derek's birthday and Mary had coordinated with his family to throw him a surprise birthday party. After class, Mary, Laura, and I stayed with Derek and distracted him while the rest of the students walked to his house. That morning his host parents told him he could bring a few friends over, so we walked with Derek after some time had passed. On the walk there my phone began to ring and it was a girl in the other group.."Nicki, we don't know Derek's house number, we're on the street but can't remember which one it is." I couldn't remember either and neither did Laura or Mary! How were we going to find out without completely giving it away!? Well luckily, props go to Mary for this one, she played dumb and started a "conversation" about how she doesn't understand the numbering system of the houses here and proceeded to ask Derek what his house number was. I then texted it to the other group and we walked realllyyyy slow as to give them more time. We got to the house and his parents showed us to the room and everyone yelled "surprise!!" It was a great party. His family is sooo nice! They had pizza, hamburgers, cake, cookies, and other sweets there for everyone. 

Derek's Birthday Party
Now to tie in the title of this blog. PEANUT BUTTER. I cannot express how much I miss peanut butter! Last semester I would eat peanut butter toast all the time for a snack and it was more than delicious. The first time I went to the grocery store here I scouted some out but to my disappointment it was like over 20 soles for a dinky little jar! That is like $10! So I have suffered without it. I had kinda forgotten how much I miss it until this Saturday I went to my friend Mary's house and we had a snack. Earlier this month her loving parents (hint , hint mom) sent her a package filled with American goodies and among them was peanut butter. She asked if I would like some bread with peanut butter and her next question was even more exciting. "Nicki, we have a toaster, would you like to toast it??" She could not have asked a better question! I ate two pieces of PEANUT BUTTER TOAST that night and like 10 crackers with peanut butter on them. I have not tasted something so delicious in well...39 days! 

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